alguns dias, um ser de um Planeta longínquo me mandou "tomar freio".
Ora, apesar de ser um homem, coxinha, religioso, militar e completamente
incapaz de entender o mundo a sua volta, refleti sobre o desejo que me
parece comum por parte não só de homens coxinhas, mas de toda a
sociedade, inclusive mulheres parecem concordar com isso: mulheres devem
permanecer "freadas".
Não, isso não é um subproduto da guinada
ultraconservadora que o mundo deu no ultimo ano, isso é uma marca do
caráter misógino de nossa sociedade. Espera-se que a mulher "se ponha no
lugar dela", que não fale palavrão, que seja feminina, decorada, até
inteligente - mas não muito - que colabore com os homens que cruzam sua
vida, mas nunca lhes ofereça resistência. Que ela seja, em outras
palavras, um mimo! Mas, aí é que esta o grande problema: e se eu não quiser ser um mimo?
A resposta a essa pergunta, Madonna já deu quando fez seu discurso para a Billboard, como Mulher do Ano: "Se você é uma mulher, você tem que entrar na dança". Sim, você tem que parecer
Então eu resolvi não ser um mimo. Resolvi ser uma cientista, feminista, comunista. Resolvi ser mar revoltoso, que pode tragar navios desavisados. Sim, sou força da natureza e isso não faz de mim uma pessoa má. Posso ser uma onda suave, também: gosto de cozinhar, fazer meu artesanato, cuidar de meus filhos e andar de mãos dadas com meu amor sob a lua cheia. A única coisa que não posso ser é como você quer que eu seja.
O mais bizarro nisso tudo e que tem mulher que vai concordar com o discurso machista: mulher tem que ficar na sua. Sem palavrão. Sem exageros. Sem alegria. Sem vida. Sem tesão. Uma mulher linda, decorativa, estúpida e assexuada. Não, queridos... eu quero mais da vida.
******************************* English version: "Woman, step back!"
A few days ago, an Alien from a distant Galaxy told me to "step back". Now,
despite being a man, fanatic religious, and completely
incapable of understanding the world around him, I reflected on that
desire which seems to be usual, not only by men who are stupid, but
also by the whole of society, including women, that is: women must remain "back".
No, this is not a product from the ultraconservative movements the world's societies has made in the last year. This is a trace of our misogynistic society. From a woman, is expected to "put herself in the right female place," not to swear words, to be feminine, decorative (like a biscuit), even intelligent - but not too much - to collaborate with men who cross their lives, but never offer them resistance. Just be, in other words, a gift! But, here is the big problem: what if I do not want to be a treat?
The answer to that question, Madonna already gave when she made her speech to the Billboard, as Woman of the Year: "If you are a woman, you have to play the game." Yes, you have to look beautiful and happy. And have to remain braked, you know men have no brake, but you have. Men can do whatever pleases them, just the way they want them to, but you do not. And why not? Because you are a woman. I hope you can see the irony and perversity of this.
So I decided not to be a treat. I decided to be a scientist, feminist, communist. I decided to be a revolted sea, which can swallow unsuspecting ships. Yes, I am a force of nature and it does not make me a bad person. I can be a gentle wave, too: I like to cook, make my handicrafts, take care of my children and walk with my love under the full moon. The only thing I cannot be is how people demand me to be.
The most bizarre in all this is that has women who will agree with the "macho" discourse: women has to stay in their places. No swearing. No exaggeration. No joy. Without life. Not horny. A beautiful, decorative, stupid, asexual woman. No, dear ones ... I want more from life.
No, this is not a product from the ultraconservative movements the world's societies has made in the last year. This is a trace of our misogynistic society. From a woman, is expected to "put herself in the right female place," not to swear words, to be feminine, decorative (like a biscuit), even intelligent - but not too much - to collaborate with men who cross their lives, but never offer them resistance. Just be, in other words, a gift! But, here is the big problem: what if I do not want to be a treat?
The answer to that question, Madonna already gave when she made her speech to the Billboard, as Woman of the Year: "If you are a woman, you have to play the game." Yes, you have to look beautiful and happy. And have to remain braked, you know men have no brake, but you have. Men can do whatever pleases them, just the way they want them to, but you do not. And why not? Because you are a woman. I hope you can see the irony and perversity of this.
So I decided not to be a treat. I decided to be a scientist, feminist, communist. I decided to be a revolted sea, which can swallow unsuspecting ships. Yes, I am a force of nature and it does not make me a bad person. I can be a gentle wave, too: I like to cook, make my handicrafts, take care of my children and walk with my love under the full moon. The only thing I cannot be is how people demand me to be.
The most bizarre in all this is that has women who will agree with the "macho" discourse: women has to stay in their places. No swearing. No exaggeration. No joy. Without life. Not horny. A beautiful, decorative, stupid, asexual woman. No, dear ones ... I want more from life.