As dores, as perdas, os fracassos trazem a tona nossas fragilidades. E nós não gostamos nada de ser vulneráveis. Em um mundo volátil, importa parecer feliz e bem. Mas, e se eu não estiver bem? E se eu quiser que aquela dor doa até o fim, para ver se ela vai embora? Quem sabe, consigo respirar de novo e me levantar...
A grande questão é que o mundo não para a fim de que você junte os pedaços e recomece novamente. Não. Você precisa seguir em frente, com suas dores e apesar delas, e precisa ainda parecer feliz e bem. Não é fácil. Ver os cantos vazios, antes ocupados por uma pessoa que você sabe que não volta mais, nunca mais, e ter que conviver com aquilo... dia após dia... é uma sensação muitas vezes insuportável. As grandes perdas normalmente nos deixam sem chão. Atordoados. A única forma de fazer com que a dor vá embora é sentindo-a até o fim.

Outra ilusão é a de que as pessoas que foram importantes e partiram devam ser apagadas da memória pois assim evitaríamos o sofrimento. Como poderíamos extinguir para sempre a doce memória de alguém que nos fez bem? A memória de alguém que fez parte de nossa história de vida é alguém que deva ser respeitada por todos aqueles que dizem nos amar.

que tem mais chão nos meus olhos do que cansaço nas minhas pernas, mais
esperança nos meus passos do que tristeza nos meus ombros, mais estrada
no meu coração do que medo na minha cabeça.”
Esse post é dedicado às amigas Lilly DiCine e Tay de Oliveira, cujas mães, este ano, viraram estrelinhas. Também já tive uma segunda mãe que virou estrelinha, há um tempo atrás.
********** English version:
Recently, I have seen dear friends lose important people in their lives, they became really sad after parent's death. I saw myself in a cycle of pain, too, where I was separated from my children and had to work in another country. I have seen a some things fall apart in the last two years, and I still feel like some of that ruined world hurt me a lot. So, why do we avoid talking so much about our pains?
The pain, the gaps, the failures bring out our fragilities. And we do not like being vulnerable at all. In a volatile world, the only thing that matters is to look happy and well. But what if we are not well? And if we want to bear that pain so deeply, just to see if it goes away? Who knows, we could breathe again and get up ...
The world does not stop to you collect your broken pieces and start again. No. You need to move on, with your pains and despite them, and you still need to look happy and well. It's not easy. Look at the empty corners, once occupied by a person that you know does not come back, never again, and have to live with it ... day after day ... is an often unbearable sensation. Big pain usually leave us with no floor. Stunned. The only way to make the pain go away is to feel it to the end.
As I posted on the timeline of a dear friend days ago, feeling this pain, it goes less intense, a bit every day. Every bit of time helps to make it not so painful. Some people demands take a few months, others take years. Until you realize you can breathe. Then it slows down a bit and you can go to some places without crying... One day you realize that it (the pain) is still there, but in remembrance form. That painful thing is now part of your golden memories and they are something to keep in your heart.
Another usual mistake is to think that people who passed away should be removed from our memories so we could avoid suffering. How could we delete forever the sweet memory of someone who has brought so happy moments to us? The memory of someone who has been part of our life is something to respect by all those who claim loving us.
And finally, let's move on. Because life does not stop and all those who loved us and passed away would like to see us well. Or, as Cora Coralina says in her beautiful verses:
"There is more road to walk in my eyes than tiredness in my legs, more hope in my steps than sadness in my shoulders, more road in my heart than fear in my head."
This post is dedicated to friends Lilly DiCine and Tay de Oliveira, whose mothers this year have become little stars. I also had a second mother who became a little star, a while back.
Esse post é dedicado às amigas Lilly DiCine e Tay de Oliveira, cujas mães, este ano, viraram estrelinhas. Também já tive uma segunda mãe que virou estrelinha, há um tempo atrás.
********** English version:

The pain, the gaps, the failures bring out our fragilities. And we do not like being vulnerable at all. In a volatile world, the only thing that matters is to look happy and well. But what if we are not well? And if we want to bear that pain so deeply, just to see if it goes away? Who knows, we could breathe again and get up ...
The world does not stop to you collect your broken pieces and start again. No. You need to move on, with your pains and despite them, and you still need to look happy and well. It's not easy. Look at the empty corners, once occupied by a person that you know does not come back, never again, and have to live with it ... day after day ... is an often unbearable sensation. Big pain usually leave us with no floor. Stunned. The only way to make the pain go away is to feel it to the end.
As I posted on the timeline of a dear friend days ago, feeling this pain, it goes less intense, a bit every day. Every bit of time helps to make it not so painful. Some people demands take a few months, others take years. Until you realize you can breathe. Then it slows down a bit and you can go to some places without crying... One day you realize that it (the pain) is still there, but in remembrance form. That painful thing is now part of your golden memories and they are something to keep in your heart.
Another usual mistake is to think that people who passed away should be removed from our memories so we could avoid suffering. How could we delete forever the sweet memory of someone who has brought so happy moments to us? The memory of someone who has been part of our life is something to respect by all those who claim loving us.
And finally, let's move on. Because life does not stop and all those who loved us and passed away would like to see us well. Or, as Cora Coralina says in her beautiful verses:
"There is more road to walk in my eyes than tiredness in my legs, more hope in my steps than sadness in my shoulders, more road in my heart than fear in my head."
This post is dedicated to friends Lilly DiCine and Tay de Oliveira, whose mothers this year have become little stars. I also had a second mother who became a little star, a while back.
Oi, Lu!
ResponderExcluirMuito obrigada pelo seu carinho. Não tem sido fácil mesmo. Pior do que não quere falar sobre a perda é querer falar e as pessoas não quererem ouvir. É nessa situação que me encontro. Simplesmente as pessoas querem que vc siga e pronto. Se vc não consegue é pq não está de fato tentando... Tô cansada de ver pessoas no meio da conversa que elas mesmas iniciaram com o famigerado "como vc tá? " abaixarem a cabeça ou desistem o olhar p forçar o término da conversa. Acho isso no mínimo vergonhoso. Que raios de amizade é essa q o evitar um espelho da possível dor que te aguarda vc evita ouvir seu amigo fragilizado? Tenho tentado de todas as maneiras me manter de pé mas só Deus p me ajudar... 😥 De qualquer forma, te agradeço muito muito mesmo, amiga.
Bjo😙 ah... lindo texto ☺